Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Are You Up for a Stroll Down Memory Lane?

OK, friends, we moved into our new house four weeks ago now, and I have all sorts of things to show and tell. From BEFORE the move, even. Shocking, I know. I COULD just move on and let it all go, but, well, that just wouldn't be me.

For starters, a little something for those of you who don't care a fig about the adorable antics of my children but who do appreciate a good bargain.

The week before our move, I went thrift store shopping for the first time in ages. It's one of those things like participating in stage productions and going to movies that I've mostly stopped doing since I had kids. Oh, I try every once in a while, but I can no longer spend hours poring over the racks the way I used to. I ignored the clothing (another topic for another day) and headed straight for housewares.

I know there's something wrong with finding shopping to be therapeutic, but you should have seen me glow as I walked out of the Salvation Army with this haul (and my kids):

The ship print has gone to live with Shaun's folks and the cheap pressed glass goblet (to its credit, it DOES have polka dots and hash marks!) has already been boxed up for its return trip to the thrift store, but the rest is making its temporary home with me. Like my step mom (whose birthday was one of the things I neglected this month in addition to my blog), I enjoy the feeling of rescuing things.

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