Up until a few weeks ago, Nels did not seem to enjoy drawing. He has a very good vocabulary, nice manners, and is a whiz with Legos, but when it came to drawing, all he could do was write his name or draw a storm. His storms look just like you'd imagine they might: a mass of scribbles on a piece of paper.
I'm not one of those pushy parents who think their kids need to do everything and do it well, but it did make me a little bit sad that drawing didn't seem to be his thing AT ALL. It seemed a little un-American for a kid not to like to draw.
Then, about three weeks ago, Nels said, "Mom, come see the picture I drew!" I readied myself to be politely interested in the formless scribbles of yet another storm.
He led me to the Magna Doodle. "Look! There's a building on fire. See the flames? And there are people at the windows. And here's the fire truck. It has a ladder. And a fireman driving it."
I just about fell over. His detailed elaboration wasn't even necessary, because I could easily tell what everything was.
Now, I don't know if it was the magic of turning 5, or if it's due to all of the writing practice he's getting at school. All I know is that he seems to enjoy drawing now. And that makes me happy, because it is an inexpensive and portable way for a child to entertain himself throughout childhood.
I didn't think to take a picture of that first great drawing, but here are some recent ones; a battleship and a tank:
Those are really good! What an interesting developmental step!
Dang. I do a lot of drawing with a lot of 5 year olds and those ARE really good.
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