Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Inclement Weather" Day

School was canceled today, but there's no snow to speak of to play in, so the boys have had to find other ways to amuse themselves.

After two hands of Uno, the game deteriorated into card-throwing, so they moved on to something else. I was getting tonight's dinner into the crock pot, and from my spot in the kitchen I could hear their conversation. They were sitting on the couch, poring over a huge book on the history of science that their grandpa recently brought them.

"Where's Edison?" demanded Willem.

"I just wanted to look through the book," said poor put-upon Nels as he carefully turned the pages.


Leave it to Willem to bring bullying to nerd-dom.


Mullins said...

What a crack up! I miss your boys.

Gretchen said...

Oh, so funny.... I have a feeling that Anders would like your boys. =)

Gypmar said...

Gretchen, from what I gather from your blog, they are birds of a feather :)

Annie Nannie said...

Wow - Willem's G G'pa and I had a marvelous time visiting Edison's lab at Ford's Deerfield Village Museum. Looks like you've recorded another commonality between Willem and his G G'pa - both Edison fans. Dad's 100th birthday would be this coming Monday, Nov. 29th. He's my favorite inventor, of course. :)

Unknown said...

Make that two of us missing your boys! I told Amelia the other day that there was a lot of snow at your house, and she REALLY wanted to see pictures of N & W playing in it. Just letting you know...