On Christmas Eve eve, we had a little celebratory dinner of our own at home. Note to parents: if a celebratory dinner is what you're after, don't sit down hungry at the table with a bowl of smallish Dungeness crabs and two hungry young children. Let's just say the champagne had done its work by the time I actually got anything to eat.
I think you'll agree when you see our destination, that a more Christmas-y place could not be found in all the land:
Did I mention there was a LOT OF SNOW?
The power was out at our House o' Christmas, and that made things a little more adventurous (and a lot more work for my father-in-law) than they would have been otherwise. The rumble of a generator is not my favorite winter noise, but it sure beats the alternative. Shaun's mom managed to work around the inconvenience of only getting to use one major energy-gobbler at a time (water heater, oven, cooktop) and prepared us many delicious and festive meals. Adding to the element of adventure was the periodic dumping of snow off the roof. It would come down at odd moments with a big crashing noise and shake the house. Made me a little jumpy.
Shaun's folks were planning to host a big family get-together on Saturday, but that was relocated to his aunt and uncle's house in Salem because the power still wasn't back on. Much of Shaun's extended family was there, and that was fun as always. Shaun's cousins and their spouses are all fun to be with, and the kids all love running wild together.
I got to hold the happiest little baby Nora.
Yesterday Shaun's family came out our way. We had a nice visit and a salmon dinner. The boys ran their laps through the kitchen/living/dining room, and we had the obligatory family photo: